Friday 7 June 2013


It's been 6 weeks but I'm back behind the wheel with heaps to communicate, so it's going to be a bit disjointed for a while until I get you all updated. Let me start with los ninos.......

The skool year is nearly over with just 3 weeks to go. Aimee is currently doing the SAT exams (sort of like NAPLAN) and next weekend she heads of for the Year 6 end of skool camp. She'll be going to a place called Matalascanas on the south coast of Spain (Bay Of Cadiz) for a week, so needless to say she's very excited. It's the traditional King's College 'farewell to primary school' for the Grade 6ers - hard to believe that come September she will be in HIGH SKOOL!

Last weekend Aimee represented the skool at the COBIS (Council of British International Schools) Games in The Hague. There were 16 skools from as far away as China, Russia, some Middle Eastern countries, African countries, and of course Eurpoean. Competition is limited to children from Grade 6 and they competed over 3 days in basketball, athletics and furbol (soccer).  They outdid themselves, winning the gold medal for futbol (as you can imagine, being from Spain this was  VERY well received!) and received silver medals for coming 2nd overall. How good is that! The best thing is that we had to encourage her to try out and thankfully she understood  the reasons for it; she had a ball, making new friends from all over the world - they didn't have this kind f thing when I was at skool last century!

Basketball Senoritas
What a team - GUN on the far left!

Futbol champions - Ole! Ole!
The victors return
The Aimster and her new bling.

It's also seen the winding up of school sporting activities and the Aimster received a medal for her horseriding skills, which she displayed to all and sundry at the school's recent Annual Fair Day. Damned if she can't really ride that 4-legged thing, I don't mind admitting I was pleasantly shocked at how good she is.

Last of the straightbacks


As for the pocket dynamo, well let me fill in the gaps!! Buzzy LOVES tennis and has been having lessons this year. Well that chook came home to roost last week when he strolled through the front door with his GOLD MEDAL for winning the tennis tournament. He followed this up over last weekend by flogging Dulcinea on the courts over both days. He really can play, and there's just a touch of the McEnroe in him, out!

Tennis bling - in Wimbledon white!
A 2-handed forehand no less!!
But our real sporting highlight from Buzzy came with the School Fair Judo exhibition, where all the Grade 2,3 & 4 kids had a tournament. Because he's learning at school we haven't previously seen any of his judo, so we were amazed at the seriousness of it all. Proper warm-up exercises were conducted and it was impressive to see the kids showing respect to each other - bowing and shaking hands - before and after fighting. Being his 1st year, Buzzy has progressed to a white/yellow belt, in other words he's moved up 1 level from beginner. In the tournament he was drawn to fight 2 boys, both of whom are orange belts, i.e. 3 levels above him. Well let me tell you something sports fans, as they say in the classics "it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog that matters". Buzz came out like a whirling dervish (although I don't know if dervishes actually do judo) WHIPPED them, including an amazing over the shoulder throw on one boy that left everybody shellshocked (not least the kid!). Yes folks, the BuzzBoy took away GOLD! We may look for a posting to Japan next so's BuzzBoy can have some lessons from Mr. Miyagi!!
Mess with this kid at your peril!
Gold! Gold! Gold!
So there you have it, a veritable feast of sporting activity from the juniors, who have indelibly left their Australian made footprint on the Spanish sporting scene; at this rate, they will also achieve 'Legendary Athlete' status, just like their dad! I'm now trying to work out how to bottle their enthusiasm and spirit so I can ship it back to the mighty Demons. They could take a leaf out of the book of their Spanish based junior members!!!


The elegant dismount part 1

......part 2....

....part 3.....

The warm up before the storm
Facing east...

Facing west..

Early in the bout

Not sure this hold is kosher!

Get him Buzz!!

Ooooh yeah!

Need a hand back up? Nice touch...

Into it again....

Take that bucko....

How'd he do that????

Like this....

Brilliant stuff!

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