Saturday 10 May 2014


Wasn't that a great song; sorry, I digress. Since arriving on the Iberian Peninsula (approaching 2 years now, believe it or not) the kids have visited many places but not yet gone to the UK. So what better to do for Aimee's 12th birthday than fly first class over to London, and stay at the Ritz on Piccadilly for 4 days to celebrate the occasion. We skip first class and fly with the rest of the discount fare cattle on Easyjet, arriving at 11:15pm. Apparently there has been a train strike in London all week, but luckily we have arranged for the hotel taxi service to pick us up (given the time of night and with young children this seems a better option than public transport anyway). We are confronted at Customs by the news that the computer system across the whole country has shut down and the queue is a mile long. Lucky break - pretty much everybody in the line is holding a EU passport, but the non-EU passport queue only has 4 people in it (Travel Tip: get an Australian passport for airport contingencies!). It's 10 minutes to midnight when we exit and our driver is nowhere to be seen - not happy! He finally arrives and at 1:30am we finally arrive at the So Quartier Hotel next to Kilburn High Road tube station (not quite the Ritz!). We were quoted  70 pounds for the taxi but he demands 85 in CASH - not happy again, and I don't have the paperwork on me. Finally to our room - and the door key doesn't work. It takes 3 days before we get a key that works!

Birthday skype with Ruby in Hawthorn
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIMEE......we head towards the station under heavy skies, but not before I give the manager an appraisal and demand my 15 quid back (I've produced the quote!) - it takes 3 days to get it and she reminds me not to forget to write a hotel review on TripAdviser!!

Bleary eyed on the tube
So we're at Southbank and our first event is the London Dungeon tour. It's moved from its original place and is now next to the London Eye. It's pretty impressive and gives interesting accounts of life in 'Her Majesty's Care' and a history lesson on several notorious criminals like Jack The Ripper, Sweeney Todd and Guy Fawkes amongst others. (Travel Observation: Australia may have been settled by convicts and petty thieves and our heritage brought into question accordingly, but the crème de la crème of villainy clearly remained in England!).

Buzzy looks a little too happy for my liking!
We walk past the Houses Of Parliament and Big Ben (Liam's #1 priority this trip) and up Whitehall past the Horse Guard. They are a very patient breed of soldier, putting up with the taunts of those standing by. Up past Trafalgar Square we go and at 4:00pm we arrive at our destination - Fortnum & Mason.

What exactly is a 'General Lying-In Hospital'????
Three very snappy dressers

I wonder if those boots chafe...

Surely he's not tall enough to guard Her Majesty!!!

I can't get over the boots!!!

Horsing around in Whitehall
Up to the 4th floor we go to the Queen's Jubilee Tea Salon where we have booked for high tea - an occasion befitting our princess. Buzzy is in  huff and memories flood back of our last visit here 5 years ago when he threw a scone at an elderly couple next to us. Luckily, he snaps out of it when his glass of ginger beer arrives, and we enjoy a royal spread of delicacies and treats that includes plain & fruit scones with Somerset clotted cream and F&M preserve, Sunflower Chocolate cupcakes, and assorted finger sandwiches. There is nothing like it (although we are yet to experience the Ritz). The pianist in the foyer plays a beautiful rendition of 'Happy Birthday' as a waitress brings out a slice of chocolate Gateau adorned with a candle, and the whole restaurant give Aimee a clap - fantastic.

F&M Queen's Jubilee Tea Salon

The birthday girl.....

.....with goodies....


Jammy dodger and macaroons...mmm, mmm

Buzzy's own 3-tier setting.

Birthday girl gets a candle to blow out
With full tummies, we wander up Regent Street to Oxford Circus and catch a double decker bus back to our hotel where Aimee spends the rest of the evening opening her gifts from  friend and family far away. Great day.

Bedtime story after a big day
Early rise on day 2 as we head to London Bridge, in the shadows of The Shard. Dulcinea has been working long hours so we shout her to an hour at Float Works, a relaxation centre where one lies in a private pod of salt water similar in concentration to the Dead Sea.

The Shard

Dead Sea salt bath therapy...aaaah.
Luckily, she doesn't drown and 90 minutes later we're on our way to Ripley's Believe It Or Not at Piccadilly Circus. In all my visits to London there are 3 places I have studiously avoided - Mdme Tussaud's, London Dungeon, and Ripley's, but Aimee wants to see 2 of my pet hates. LD was fine given it is all new, but Ripley's is everything I feared it would be, bar a couple of interesting experiences. (Travel Tip - I could still do without EVER seeing these 3 attractions, and they are VERY expensive!).

Wax 'tourists' - clever

No feet.... Aimee

What on earth is this?

Aaaah, right

The maze was pretty cool I must admit
Aimee practices her instantly disappearing graffiti skills

Laser Race - Aimee only breaks 6 beams to steal the jewels
Don L breaks a few more - I'll never be Catherine Zeta-Jones
Lunch break at Fernandez & Wells

Is that Irish Breakfast tea I see on the menu?????
 Next stop is Hamley's the world's biggest and best toy store (Travel Statement: the FAO Schwarz store in New York pales beside this monolith). We spend HOURS on the 4th and 5th floors, it is superbly run with demonstrators everywhere and superb displays - the Lego figures were worth the trip alone. Needless to say, the kids have birthday present funds and pocket money to burn and don't leave empty handed. I love Hamley's.

Hamley's toy demonstrator. What on earth is she doing???

Aaaah, OK.

Stuffing a build-a-bear
Rubbing its heart for luck - sheeesh!!

Meeting the Royals

Amazing Lego work

Los ninos meet Betty

This is more like it :)

In-store demonstrator....

...the result.
Two storm troopers - which one's made of Lego?
Then it's back to Southbank for a ride on the London Eye, delivering spectacular views over central London and beyond. We finish the night with dinner at the Betsy Smith pub near our hotel. The food is fine, but we have to almost beg to gain entrance (Travel Tip: on the continent, kids are welcome anywhere but in the UK they are not allowed in licensed premises after 8:00pm).

The Eye - really is spectacular

Eastenders from the top

The Shard - it certainly stands out!

Houses of Parliament & Westminster Abbey

Bear-ly containing their excitement!
 An ad-lib day. We head into Fitzrovia for brunch at a bistro where the food is fortunately a little better than the service. Then it's time to split up; the chicas head for Oxford Street and all those silly girlie shops whilst Buzzy and I do some really cool things like popping into Hobgoblin Music  where Buzzy tries out a Yamaha F310 acoustic guitar for size, we check out Foyle's bookstore, Vintage Magazines, wander into some stores in Denmark Street where Buzzy plays a few tunes on an electric piano and then do a bit of window shopping in Soho - much to his amusement! We have a quick Snog and then meet up with the girls and stroll through Leicester Square, pop into Foyle's again for a quick gander, before settling on dinner at Balans in Soho.

Hobgoblin Music - I'll have the Yamaha F310 please dad

Famous Denmark Street

Soho skool uniform shop

Time for a quick snog.....


For some reason, birthday girl wanted to visit Leicester Square

Birthday girl and The Bard in Leicester Square

Face it, nobody does national pride better than the Brits

Just don't let him get in!

Crikey, it's Colin's book, Britain's #1 Jazz Bestseller (and the last copy!)
Our final morning, and we walk up the road and around the corner to Abbey Road. The kids scribble some graffiti on the famous studio wall and then take a stroll across the most famous pedestrian crossing in the world. It's amazing, there are scores of people here and it must be irritating for drivers having to contend with damned tourists re-enacting a record cover!

That's not George, it's John Dickenson!!

A sensible graffiti artist

Aimee doesn't realise it gets whitewashed on Monday

How cool are those kids!
 Time for  lunch at Roma's Café, a trendy eatery that served revolting coffee (the quest continues unabated) and got under my skin (Travel Tip: there are a LOT of places in London that do not accept credit cards; worse, they do not advertise this fact at all well).

According to Roma's Cafe, this is a latte! Sheeesh, the Quest continues...
It's back to the hotel to pick up our bags and catch the tube to Victoria where we board the Gatwick Express (Travel Tip: a family ticket 'only' cost 39.80 and it's a 30 minute ride. That's significantly less than a cab so weigh up your options). Another successful sortie, and Easyjet gets us home safely at 8:00pm. Time to switch the Spanish translator back on......

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