Wednesday 20 February 2013


All Clear At 1800M
The Lions
It's like learning to ride a bike apparently - if you fall off then just get back on (although I did fail tricycle!). With that analogy rining in our ears, The LegsyBoys once again assaulted the ski slopes of the mighty Sierra de Guadarrama last Saturday. We laid our well thought out plans to leave at 9.00am and beat the traffic; as we passed under the highway bulletin board stating "montaƱa aparcamiento completo" we noted it had just gone 11.00am and we still had 46km to go! But we weren't going to let a full carpark get in the way of us. And why?? Because it was a magnificent clear day, no wind, blue skies, and Buzzy could see the snow capped mountains the whole way. A quick comparison of snaps to last week's will adequately highlight the change - what a difference a day makes, as Dinah Washington once sang.

Still No Eagle

The Chalet
  At the 1300 metere mark the traffic was chocker, but we managed to climb the next 700 metres to carpark level in about 40 minutes, after which we spent  similar amount of time securing a space for Rocinante. Doors opened and.....a very pleasant 7C if you don't mind. We've got los ninos kitted out this time; Aimee looks like a Blue Meanie extra and Buzz could pass for the Michelin Man, but they're warm and....HAPPY! My eyes were opened up to a few misconceptions I've harboured for the duration of my relatively short can be quite pleasant in the snow if you have appropriate togs on (in fact, there wasn't a real need to wear a scarf and woolly hat), and it doesn't have to be expensive. Sure, if you wanna go skiing (and I still can't think of a good reason to do so) then it will put a serious dent in the pocket, but if you just want to ride a sled, build snowmen and throw snowballs at your family members then it's a fabulously el cheapo day out - and damned tiring!
Dulcinea Defies Death

Look Out Dulcinea - Incoming Snowball
Starting The Snowman
Don L Masters The Slopes
Sheer Poetry
 The Aimster refrained from having a go on her sled, instead choosing to spend her time on the artier side of things, i.e. making a snowman and throwing snowballs. Dulcinea had a little go but otherwise kept the Aimster company. This left THE MEN to do what men do, and we were up for it. After 2 runs on the steepest run available, I had mastered the course and retired to take photos Buzzy Knieval; damned if that kid has no fear (a real chip off the not-so-old block!). He was in his element and the occasional bingle did nothing to shake his confidence and derring do. However, when he ultimately tried the 'toboggan run of terror', a 35 degree run with myriad moguls, he'd bitten off a tad more than he could chew. In scenes reminiscent of his father on his first bicycle ride many, many, many...years ago, he set off; the video was going but after 10 metres he had up such a head of steam I couldn't keep the camera on him; he blazed past me, his lungs exhaling a terrified "aaaaaah" as he went over a mogul resulting in the red sled continuing straight ahead (in mid air), his beanie coming adrift and somehow sailing of stage left, and Buzzy in a mid-air exit stage right (I didn't get the footage, but I DO have the sound - it's priceless!). I thought he'd broken every bone in his body; luckily, he'd just taken skin off his chin, got a fat, bleeding lip and a rash on his right cheek. That was our last sled run for the day! And here is where Don LegsyBoy learnt something else - snow isn't soft once it's compacted, in fact it's really hard and can have the effect of sandpaper on skin - go figure.


Good Job Girls
Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of...Snow
Our valour became discretion and we retired to watch the girls finish their admirable effort at building a snowman (although we did forget the carrot) and get a few more photo opportunities, before heading back to Rocinante and making our way home. Believe it or not, it was FUN, and apart from the cost of the kids snow gear (deliberately bought 2 sizes too big so's I don't have to buy any more whilst we're over here!) it cost zippo. Will we be back? Can't speak for the rest of the LegsyBoys, but I sure will be!


Looking Gooood!
...A Little Bit Of Throttle...


Hmmm....Could Be In A Spot Of Bother Here
....And Ouch!!

I Think That'll Do
I Went Down There

...And This Is Next!


  1. Brilliant as usual, Its a shame you are missing out on all of the events at home... floods.... fires.... pestilence (well not quite). Glad to see the family is enjoying themselves and the bruises will fade, i'm sure.


  2. The real reason we're over here is to get away from the footy. We're staying until the mighty Dees are back in the 'eight', so we could be away for a while!!

  3. Wow!! Looks brilliant!! It's Qld here in Melbourne - hot, sticky, humid and my hair is crazy. I left Qld to get away from this! Looking at my lovely coats in the cupboard and complete lack of summer clothes. Sigh...

  4. Bring those coats over here - I guarantee you'll find a use for them!!
